What People Say


“Thank you so much, my father is so happy with his new domino table. The joy I saw on his face when he received it was priceless. He spent a good amount of time examining the design details, how it was finished and he was delighted to see it personalized with his name. It really was the perfect gift! Your craftsmanship is excellent and the quality of the table is amazing. This is the second domino table I have purchased from you and the reaction when the people see it is priceless. Thank you again.”
- Eliu and Yesenia of Orlando, Florida
“The table is beautiful. Art was very helpful throughout the buying process. Everyone who sees the table loves it. Outstanding craftsmanship.”

- Gene and Janie of Dallas, Texas
“Excellent quality, a real work of art, A++++++++.”

- Chris of Miami, Florida
“I wanted to tell you thank you for the beautiful domino table. It really was the perfect gift for my husband and he loved it. Thank you for your hard work. I will be sending other customers your way.”

- Pam of Ludowici, Georgia
“The table shipped fast and was exactly what I had hoped for. I am very happy!”

- Katie of Stony Point, New York
“La mesa de dominó que Arturo me hizo es perfecta. La madera tiene un acabado muy fino y me encanta la foto de Puerto Rico.”

- José de San Juan, Puerto Rico
About Us
In the Shop

In the Shop

admin 09/25/2016 6
 Art Almquist has been doing custom woodworking for over 40 years. He also has a mechanical engineering degree and has worked as Engineering Manager building custom cabinets for some high profile clients like NASCAR racing champion Mark Martin as well as specialty items such as a custom baby crib for comedian Larry the Cable Guy. I refuse to build the cheap plywood and plastic cup holder tables you find at the flea markets. These are select hardwood, handcrafted works of art....
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Designer with Dominican Wife

Designer with Dominican Wife

admin 09/25/2016 47
 When his Dominican wife asked him for a domino table, he did not like any of the styles or prices on the market and so built his own custom table. So many people that saw it asked for one he decided to go into business making them and the rest is history. "I build every table as if I am making it for my own family", Art says, "I design them with the same 3D Computer Aided Design software I used in my other secular employment designing laser based industrial machinery. The precision and fit is unequalled in the domino table market. You can pay hundreds of dollars more but you simply cannot buy...
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Making Sawdust

Making Sawdust

admin 09/25/2016 1
Art speaks and writes fluently in English or Spanish and would be happy to help you build the domino table of your dreams. More than just a game table, this is a genuine piece of "Artwork" that would grace any wall if hung up and adorn any room of the house where it is stored. If dominos is not your game, he also makes Mahjong tables and card tables. Take a look around the website. If you do not see exactly what you want, custom work is always welcome....
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Según un diccionario, la palabra capicúa significa "una jugada que consiste en hacer dominó con una ficha que puede colocarse en cualquiera de los dos extremos." El que gana el juego le encanta tirar el útlimo dado, gritando ¡Capicú!.

Rules of the Game

There are many different types of domino games. Among the hispanic community — variations of double sixes is the one usually always played. Click here to read the official rules.

From The Blog
History of Dominos

History of Dominos

admin 09/15/2014 56
Dominoes evolved from dice. In fact, the numbers in a standard double-six domino set represent all the rolls of two six-sided dice. A set of Chinese Dominoes contains all the possible combinations (including duplicates). Accoding to Wikipedia, "The earliest mention of dominoes is from Song Dynasty China, found in the text Former Events in Wulin. Dominoes first appeared in Italy during the 18th century, and although it is unknown how Chinese dominoes developed into the modern game, it is speculated that Italian missionaries in China may have brought the game to Europe."...
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Influencia Latina

Influencia Latina

admin 08/02/2015 0
A través de los años, el juego de dominó se ha hecho muy popular en los paises latinoámericanos. Existen juegos tal como, Dominó Ponce, Dominó Latino, Dominó Cubano y Dominó Internacional. Haga clic aquí para aprender más sobre los diferentes juegos....
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Wooden Table Legs Design

Wooden Table Legs Design

admin 02/15/2017 43
    We can build your table with high quality wooden legs that easily screw into place and are very sturdy and strong, no wobble.  We attach a rugged steel plate to the bottom of all four domino table underside corners and ship your wooden legs, stained or painted any color to match your table in the same box.  To assemble, simply screw each leg into place and you are done.  To remove, simply unscrew the leg and the domino table is portable and easily carried or put in your car trunk. Just specify "Non-Folding Legs" when checking out, it is a $25 upcharge but easily accommodated on your order....
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